Sunday, 27 April 2014

Last Goodbyes

This is a short video-clip made by one of our group members. It is basically celebrating every Year 6 students achievement through the exhibition. Hope you like it!

Exhibition Evening, School and From Visiting Schools Reflections

These are some of the reflections from the exhibition evening, school and from the visiting schools.These re the ones that we were most impressed with.

"I was impressed with the refugee group speaking loudly and how they put the PowerPoint together"

"I learned that a large number of support staff at KICS  are refugees and have been in Sudan for a number of years"

"I was impressed with the way they showed their work and he way they explained it."
" I learned that refugees are part of our society and they really need our help."

"I learned that refugees run away from their countries because of war. Sudan is the 5th country with the most refugees."

"I learned that Sudan has been a host to many refugees."

"I was impressed with how they explained the life of refugees clearly."

"I learned that many of our KICS support staff are refugees who have lost members of their families migrating."

"I learned that many staff in KICS are refugees until the exhibition."

"I was impressed that they had the heart to teach the refugees English."

'I learned that being a refugee is tough and hard. People should appreciate what they have."

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

From Class to Class

Today we shared our exhibition project to some classes, from the primary and seniors. This will help us to prepare on our presentation night. We will be able to teach people on the exhibition night better and we will know what we are supposed to show the people.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


In the Year 6 assembly we presented our PowerPoint about refugees. Click here to open it. It introduces some staff at KICS who are refugees.

KICS Support Staff Teaching

For our action we decided to help teach KICS refugee support staff English. We did this on Monday the 14th of April and we will also be doing it on the 28th April. On Tuesday the 29th April we will be attending their graduation. Each and every student will be given a certificate for their achievement in learning English. 

Presentation Time

We are ready to present our project to you.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Our Action

Sign up letter for our English Tuition Workshop
For our action we decided to teach the refugee staff at KICS (Khartoum International Community School) English so they can interact with more people.